What’s New

For the most up-to-date information about Fiber Arts Tucson, check out our website: fiberartstucson.org
Or check out this THSG Brochure 2024-2025 with everything scheduled for 2024-2025.
Help us advertise – send Postcard 2024 to all of your contacts.
If you are a Guild member, check here for Sign-Up Sheets. You can sign up for volunteer opportunities, demonstrations and Members Helping Members workshops.
Some of our members have personal websites – usually stores. Check them out!
On the first Saturday of each month, we hold an open session called First Saturdays, from 10 am to 2 pm in the Weeks Room at Grace St. Paul’s. All are welcome to bring crafts to work on and chat. There is no program – you can drop in when you want.
Shameless Promotions:
If you’d like to tell us at a Guild Meeting about your work, your interests, your business, whatever – let us know! Go to the Members Only area, the Guild Meetings tab, and at the bottom is a link to the form to fill out.