Many Benefits of Guild Membership
$50.00 a year …. What a bargain!
THSG welcomes anyone with an interest in fiber arts. Dues are $50 for the upcoming Membership year which runs from July 1 through June 30. (Students can initially join for one year for $25; succeeding guild years are full price.) Joining on or after April 1 allows you to obtain membership in the last quarter of a season and pays for the entirety of the next season.
(Make sure that your Membership is either up to date or you need to renew by emailing membership@thsg.org to ask about your status. PayPal will happily take your money even if your membership has not yet lapsed.)
*FRIENDSHIPS and SENSE OF BELONGING while getting to know others with similar interests
*Opportunities to learn about, appreciate and study a variety of fiber art skills (Study Groups)
*Access to an impressive Fiber Arts Library
*Significant discounts on workshops presented by local and nationally known fiber artists
*Regular postings to inform members about many fiber-related events and activities (THSG Weekly UPDATE, THSG – Tucson Handweavers & Spinners Guild Facebook, #Tucsonhandweavers Instagram, plus Tucson Handweavers & Spinners on Ravelry)
*Loaner Loom Program – borrow weaving looms/supplies at no cost to you
*Opportunity to sell your art under the Guild’s umbrella at sales events organized by THSG
*Stash Sales– great prices on fiber arts equipment and supplies saving you money!
Fill out the form online, receive an email with a .pdf file attachment that’s prepopulated with your information, and mail it (or bring to a meeting) with your check (or cash, if a meeting).
This is NOT going to PayPal; you CANNOT use a credit card: Mail form and check
Fill out the form online and be taken to PayPal to use a credit card or your PayPal account to pay. This is the preferred method for the guild.