History of the Guild
The Tucson Handweavers and Spinners Guild was founded in October 1973, incorporated in 1979 and received 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status in 1984. From 35 founding members to a current roster of about 200, the THSG continues to embrace new and emerging textile arts and the diversified fiber interests of its members, while honoring the traditions of weaving and spinning. The Guild now offers a variety of study groups including weaving, spinning, tapestry, kumihimo, felting, knitting, dyeing, crochet and rug weaving . We meet in support and encouragement of our members to strive for excellence in the art and fine craft of fiber arts. Click JOIN US to become a member of our wonderful Guild!
Use this form here to contact us with questions, to donate items or money, or to provide information about an interesting fiber related event we might promote.
If you’re interested in talking to us about providing an educational fiber arts demonstration, feel free to contact us in regards to our Community Outreach options

Guild meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday, September through May, at 9:30 a.m. at Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 2331 E Adams St, Tucson, AZ 85719, as well as via Zoom. Look at the Calendar entry on this website for the Zoom link. Guests are welcome.
Food Pantry: Help out the Grace St. Paul’s Food Pantry by bringing a needed item. Click this link for information on what is desired: Pantry Needs
We send out an update on Tuesday mornings from September through May listing upcoming events from the guild and even worldwide. If you’d like to be included, click here to add your email address to our mailing list.
THSG Guild Treasures
We are fortunate in our Guild to have many members who have not only been a source of inspiration to us all, but who have also given generously of their time and friendship to the Guild over many years. It is not an easy task to decide which “Guild Treasures” to choose, so we ask the membership to submit names to consider. Those selected TREASURES receive LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP in THSG.
It was a privilege and pleasure to present the following THSG “Guild Treasures”
In 2009, Curt Dornberg, Olga Neuts, and the late Esther Hughes, Nita Bilinsky, Marilyn Heck, and Joan Jacobson were celebrated.
In 2013, Joan Ruane, Barbara Eychaner and the late Lynn Silberschlag were celebrated as Guild Treasures.
In 2018, Lura Moore, Barbara Spelman, and the late Mae Olden Davison and Lois Smolinski were celebrated with cake and corsages!
Each time they were celebrated at a special Guild meeting. Various members shared the TREASURE’S life history and accomplishments and their work was put on display.
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